Sally Preston
Sally Preston
Sally Preston
Maybe you have been told by your accountant, lawyer, or even banker, that you need to obtain a valuation for a particular transaction or event?
This may be where you are planning your business for succession, planning a restructure, or thinking about selling, market valuations are an important consideration.
For tax purposes, the ATO expects that you have obtained a valuation in certain circumstances. In fact, some parts of the tax law mandate that an external valuation is obtained. Read More
Sally Preston
Does your business engage with contractors? Have you ever considered whether they may be considered employees for the purposes of superannuation, PAYG withholding, payroll tax, or workers compensation? It may be that they are, and if so, you could be falling short of your tax and legal obligations.
This article explores some of the factors to consider when making an assessment and the ATOs guidance on this. Read More
Sally Preston
Selling a business can be a big decision and one that many business owners will contemplate at one time or another. This may be a sale to a key employee, a family member or even a third-party buyer.
Let’s all agree on one thing, there is not a single person, business owner or even multinational corporation in the world that wants to pay more tax than is necessary - not annually and certainly not when they sell one of their key assets.
This is where the small business capital gains tax (“CGT”) concessions come in. Read More
Sally Preston
What are the options when deciding on a business structure? How do you choose which one to use? Is there a right or wrong answer?
We will shed some light on these questions in this article. Read More
Sally Preston
Are you looking to incentivise your key employee with the issue of shares or an interest in your company? You may have heard about employee share schemes, but did you know there are different types of schemes, plus alternatives you may want to consider? Read More